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Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Top 5 Gender Reveal Ideas in Perth


Preparing for the coming of a baby is an exciting period for expectant parents but what is even more exciting is revealing the gender of the baby to family, friends and well- wishers. A gender-themed party is a gathering of family and friends all coming together to find out the sex of the baby which a couple are expecting in a creative fun filled manner. If you and your spouse are throwing a gender reveal party very soon, you will have to be very creative about how you go about it. Remember, this event will not only be for all those present. Years from now, the event will also serve as a memorial for you, your spouse and your child. To spice up the occasion for everyone, here are five gender reveal ideas making the round in 2019.

#1 Creative Family Pictures 

It is almost impossible to imagine a gender reveal occasion without photographs of family and friends. Pictures tell stories in an instant that mere words can’t. Creative family pictures remain a popular choice for expectant couples so you and your spouse may choose to reveal your baby’s sex through amazing pictures. With pictures, family and friends who are far away can also share in the fun through social media. Now what you do in this "perfect photo":

#2 Gender Boxes stuffed with balloons

Another creative gender reveal idea is the use of Gender boxes stuffed with balloons of two different colors. To make this work, make sure you use a large box big enough to contain as many balloons as you want. When the time arrives to share your excitement with the world, just open up the box to release the balloons, and your baby’s gender.

#3 Gender Themed Pinata

A Pinata themed party is another popular idea many couples use these days. Instead of revealing your child’s gender at a go you can create suspense by working your way to the answer while everyone watches. There are different Gender-themed pinantas sold in stores if you want something that is ready made. Subsequently, you can use a normal box for the project. Filling up the box with necessary items is another thing you need to bear in mind. You may choose to fill it up with pink and blue confetti or candy. Just go with any item that works for you.

#4 Gender Reveal Confetti

Confetti is one of the cheapest items you can use to reveal your baby’s gender. You can cut colored papers into tiny bits and stash them into bags. On the D-day, hand out the bags to guests and do a quick countdown from 10 to the 1. At the last count, everyone can throw up their confetti at the same time while you reveal the gender. 

#5 Paint or Gender Reveal Holi Cannon

Last but not least is paint. You and your spouse can open up a can of paint (pink or blue) at the party. Or better still, both of you may decide to get a little messy by filling up water guns with the paint, and have your guests shoot at you. While shots are being fired, a photographer should be in position to take pictures from different angles.


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Gender reveal confetti

By: on 2 September 2019
Your gender reveal confetti is showing out of stock, when will it be back in stock?

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