Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Special Effects Makeup

SFX Makeup is just what you need for that finishing touch to your costume. From fake blood and prosthetics to latex face and body paints, Party Source stocks high quality yet easy to use special effects makeup products for anyone to use.

1 - 72  of  112 Products

Extra Flesh SFX Makeup (9g)


Liquid Latex (200ml)


Liquid Latex - 1 Litre


Mehron Barrier Spray (60ml)


Mehron Black Tooth FX (4ml)


Mehron Colorset Powder (15g)


Mehron SFX SynWax (42g)


Mehron SynWax (285g)


Open Wound Scar


SFX Gold Tooth Paint (5ml)


SFX Makeup Stipple Sponge


SFX Modeling Wax (38g)


Spirit Gum Remover 45ml


Stage Blood - 250mL


Vampire Character Makeup Kit


Werewolf Character Makeup Kit


Woochie Broken Bone Ex FX Kit


Woochie- Devil Ears
