Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Wigs - Party Wigs Perth

Nothing tops off a fun costume like a great party wig. How about showing off some cool blonde locks? Or maybe you want to catch everyone's eye with a bright pink wig. Few things say “I'm ready for the party” like an afro wig. Whatever your wig fancy, you can find what you're looking for at Party Source – Perth's online home for wigs and costumes.

But that's not all. Curly wigs, mullet wigs, '80s style wigs – Party Source has them all. Perhaps you're in the mood for something a little more regal. We're your one-stop shop for Cleopatra wigs, princess wigs or even geisha wigs.You name it, we've got it for you. All high-quality and at the best warehouse direct prices.

If you need it in a hurry, don't worry. With next-day delivery anywhere within the Perth Metro area, you can be sure that you get what you need when you need it. NOTE: Due to hygiene reasons no refunds will be given if you have simply changed your mind for any of our costumes and wigs. 

1 - 72  of  239 Products

70's Brown Shag Wig


80's Attitude Wig


80'S Bottle Blonde Wig


80's Rainbow Punk Wig


80's Wild Child Wig


90's Bowl Cut Wig - Brown


Adult Black Tight Curls Wig


Adults Bald Cap


Alan Brown Wig & Beard


Black 60's Flick Up Wig


Black 70's Disco Dirtbag Kit


Black 70's Funky Afro Wig


Black Boogie Babe Wig


Black Boy Band Wig


Black Braided Wig


Black Rockstar Wig


Black Sleek Bob Wig


Blonde & Brown Mullet Wig


Blonde 80's Long Mullet Wig


Blonde 80's Street Wig


Blonde Charleston Wig


Blonde Hippy Party Wig


Brown 70's Retro Wig


Brown Caveman Wig & Beard


Brown Mullet Wig


Brown Mullet Wig


Brown Ponytail Pirate Wig


Brown Rizzo Wig - Grease


Crikey Brown Wig


Dazza Brown Mullet Wig


Elvis Wig


Eric Grey Wig


Ghostly White Wig


Glamour Wig - Blonde


Glamourama Straight Black Wig


Grandma Grey Wig


Granny Bun Wig


Grease Black Danny Wig


Green The Joker Wig


Grey Old Lady Wig


Harley Quinn Wig


Heavy Metal Rocker Kit


Hippie/Jesus Wig & Beard Set


Jumbo Grey Pirate Beard & Mo'


Long Black Hippy Wig


Long Brown 70s Flick Wig


Long Brown Hippy Wig


Long Curly Pink Siren Wig


Long Curly White Siren Wig


Long Dracula Wig


Long White Wizard Wig & Beard


Long Witch Grey Streaked Wig


Magician Set


Medeia Grey Beehive Wig


Men's Short Grey Wig
