Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Canning Vale Megastore Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm

Halloween Special FX Makeup & Body Paints Perth

Perth's Party Source offers a selection of easy-to-use professional-grade special effects (SFX) makeup products and body paints that will help you put those finishing touches to your perfect Halloween costume. 

Our top picks in Halloween FX Makeup & Body Paints

White Face & Body Paint - 32g


Black Face & Body Paint - 32g


Liquid Latex (200ml)


SFX Makeup Stipple Sponge


Spirit Gum (45ml)


Spirit Gum Remover 45ml


1 - 72  of  93 Products

Army Make Up


Extra Flesh SFX Makeup (9g)


Mehron Barrier Spray (60ml)


Mehron Colorset Powder (15g)


Mehron SFX SynWax (42g)


Mehron SynWax (285g)


SFX Modeling Wax (38g)


Stitches Scar


Vampire Character Makeup Kit


Werewolf Character Makeup Kit
